All children cry. Some of them cry more than others, & guess what ? It’s ok. It is very normal for your Lil Master to cry as crying is their way of communicating with you. Remember, each child is unique and it can sometimes take time to understand why your child is crying. The reasons may not always be obvious to understand. It will take time. Remember to be patient.
Tips to explore
The following are tips you could explore in trying to calm your sometimes frantic baby:
- Consider possible causes like hunger, a nappy that may need changing or something on their clothing causing uncomfortability.
- Try to use your voice! Consider speaking or singing to the baby in a calming tone
- Softly touch or caress your baby to remind them that you are there and paying attention.
- Introduce some movements. Try pick the baby up or move them around the room or wherever you are. There may be a sweet spot your baby may prefer or one that may provide the necessary distraction.
- Bring in some warm into the equation by bringing your baby as close to you as possible and have your skin touch. Skin to skin has been repeatedly proven to provide a feeling of comfort to babies.
- Play your favourite song. Maybe the baby may benefit from hearing one of your favourite tunes. Why it works: Like movement, music has the ability to calm the nervous system, decreasing a baby’s heart and respiratory rate.
- using background noise, such as a ‘white noise’ toy, vacuum cleaner or washing machine
- using movement like going for a walk or drive
If calming is not working
It’s okay if you are anxious. Another way to try and help your baby is by taking a few deep breaths and remember that this is equally a tough time for your baby too. Keeping calm will help your baby to settle down. Sometimes, restlessness is a baby’s cry for rest and it’ll benefit both of you to get some.
Calming a crying infant can be quite stressful. Sometimes our attempts to calm babies can overstimulate them and make them cry more.
Putting your baby down on a mat next to you allows them to move their bodies and this can be beneficial if they are overstimulated.
Dimming the lights and limiting the noise around the baby and perhaps lowering your own voice could also make a difference. It could also help if you dim the lights and turn down the volume.
Crying a lot can also be a symptom of colic.
Colic is a condition where crying:
- starts and stops for no apparent cause;
- lasts at least 3 hours a day;
- occurs at least 3 days a week;
- and lasts for 3 weeks to 3 months.
Colic is a passing condition. If you’re worried about your baby crying, talk to your doctor.